CLARO : 来自图片库的随机壁纸 随机选择来自图片库的图片并将其设定为壁纸.
CLARO : 来自图片库的随机壁纸 的使用方法非常简单.
1. 创建多个文件夹存放不同类别的图片,
2. 为文件夹设定日期和时间以便随机设定壁纸.
3. 设定更换壁纸的时间间隔. 大功告成 !!
CLARO Random Wallpaper Changer takes random images from gallery album and set it to mobile background wallpapers. Its a Random Wallpaper Changer with many options like blur wallpaper automatically, color effects, schedule wallpaper changes, timer wallpaper shuffler.
Its very easy to automate wallpaper changes using "CLARO : Automatic Wallpaper Changer".
✔ Create multiple folders with set of personal images from gallery album (refresh wallpapers),
✔ Choose days and time to set the random wallpapers from album (timer wallpaper),
✔ Set interval time, how often you want to change the wallpaper automatically (Scheduler wallpaper).
all done !!
Beloved Options:
✔ Choose Color Filters for personal wallpapers: Sepia, Grayscale, Blur, Random
✔ Schedule wallpaper changes as per your need: Select Days, Time Range, Interval
✔ Choose Image Order: Random or sequence (shuffle or one direction wallpapers)
✔ Complete control over Notification alerts: Enable/Disable Notification, notification tone, vibrate, Phone wakeup
✔ Wallpaper Picker: Auto apply wallpaper changes or enable Wallpaper picker on schedule time.
✔ Dark Theme: Material Design with Dark/Light Themes.
✔ Blur Wallpaper
CLARO is phone background changer App without any background service and hence its very battery friendly.
Please visit
for more details
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